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Research Training Courses

Training your in-house team
Up skill your marketing team or in-house resource with the right research skills that will allow you to keep up to date with your customers' valuable opinions.

Research training courses

Mackman Research offers comprehensive research training.

Our training helps those who wish to undertake research projects but do not have the budget to fully outsource research services, or for those who already have an in-house marketing team that require a skill refresh.

Whether you wish to conduct a staff or client satisfaction survey or want to undertake qualitative in-depth research, we are able to help you to identify and build an in-house team providing market research training, guidance and support to enable you to produce research that is both meaningful and cost effective.

Our market research training services begin with helping you to select the right members of staff from your team to conduct research on your behalf. We will then guide you through your chosen aspect of market research training, from designing a questionnaire and choosing a methodology that fits with your objectives, to training your staff to conduct either telephone interviews or to run an online survey. We can offer support throughout the data gathering process and give further advice on producing meaningful findings.

Mackman Research are also happy to collaborate with your in-house researchers. Our senior team will design your methodology and questionnaire whilst your team conduct interviews or gather data. Finally, we will analyse findings, making recommendations for service change if need be.

Our market research training follows MRS codes of conduct and meets with the requirements of the ISO20252 standard.

Questionaire design

Questionnaire Design training

Have you identified a need for training in survey design techniques that produce accurate and usable data?

Is your business looking to conduct a survey in-house? To maximise your chances of obtaining results that are accurate and measurable, Mackman Research offers questionnaire design research training sessions. Our questionnaire design training teaches you how to craft effective questions and critique existing surveys. These are useful to ensure that your project team has the understanding necessary to craft a survey that is fit for purpose and will provide relevant insight. When correctly designed and administered, questionnaires are a key method of surveying segments of the population and obtaining information from a large number of individuals.

Construction is essential to the efficacy of a questionnaire to ensure that it accurately reflects the views and opinions of the participants. Every question in a questionnaire must have a purpose, and each question must generate the optimal data for your research objectives. Our market research training helps you to establish what you want to learn from your survey design and how the responses can be analysed following completion. In addition, we take your target respondents into consideration to encourage you to assess the best way to prompt meaningful answers.

Learn from our research experts as we offer advice that makes sense of research jargon and avoids unnecessarily complex concepts. We outline a practical approach to designing effective questionnaires. Taking your specific research needs into account, the session covers aspects of survey design such as:

  • How to meet your research objectives
  • Different types of questions that maximise survey engagement
  • Measurement error in questions
  • Bias and variance
  • Addressing your specific questionnaire design challenges

Following the session, you will have a good level of awareness of the optimal ways to word individual questions and design questionnaires that meet your research objectives.

Survey methods training

Our survey methods training covers the different methods of data collection available to researchers.

We help you to identify the most appropriate method for various projects, and ensure that you are using the method that will enable you to obtain the results you need.

Our training sessions in methods show how surveys can be used to gain insights across a range of applications. By the end of the workshop, participants will have a greater ability to critically evaluate survey methods for their effectiveness in relation to specific research goals and populations. This will have a visible impact on future projects and increase their chances of obtaining accurate and relevant data that is fit for purpose.

We provide a welcoming environment with jargon-free instruction from research experts. This strand of market research training is suitable for those who are looking to conduct a survey project but have not done so before, or those who have undertaken survey projects that have not achieved the desired outcomes in the past. Alternatively, if your business is looking to outsource its next research project to an external organisation, then this training will enable participants to gain valuable background knowledge for selecting the agency and enable a more cohesive partnership. By applying knowledge from the workshop, your understanding of industry procedure will be increased, and you will be able to ask searching questions that ensure the results you are looking for.

Some of the survey methods covered in our session include:

  • Telephone surveys
  • Focus groups
  • Online surveys
  • Postal surveys
  • Face-to-face interviews

At Mackman Research, we believe in developing your in-house resources, as you are the one who knows your business best. We impart our expertise so that participants learn or increase their knowledge of how to design high quality surveys. Our research team is friendly and approachable, and will answer any questions you have to ensure that you leave the training feeling confident in your ability to design and interpret survey results.

Market Research Training | Mackman Research, Market Research Agency
Interview techniques training

Interview techniques training

Interviews are a key tool in any researcher's arsenal of survey methods.

Interviews can be used to study populations, obtain opinions about services or products, or investigate insights straight from respondents in person or virtually. However, before investing time and money into starting an interview-based research project, it is key that any researchers involved are trained to optimise their short time with an interviewee and gain the rich responses that will maximise the effectiveness of the data you gather.

We provide training that introduces effective techniques for conducting interviews, and the essential steps and skills required to design, organise and conduct quality interviews. The session will cover aspects of interview techniques such as:

  • Designing, organising and analysing research interviews
  • Applying best practice research principles to interviews
  • Tips and techniques for gaining access and probing
  • Preparing for and dealing with potentially challenging situations

Interviews are a survey method that provide qualitative data or information. Unlike questionnaires, responses are usually expressed verbatim rather than in numerical terms. It is essential to build a rapport with the respondent, whether conducting an interview face-to-face or over the telephone. By putting the interviewee at ease, it is more likely that they will elaborate on their answers and provide more useful information. We will discuss the advantages of interviewing over other survey methods and the particular strengths of face-to-face versus telephone interview methods.

In the session, the different types of questions available to interviewers will be explained. By asking open questions, probing and active listening, the quality of answers will be greatly improved. Our training discusses some of the issues involved with interviewing, including recruitment of participants, interview ethics and dealing with challenging circumstances. We encourage a very engaged and interactive approach to learning. Interview techniques training will benefit individual interviewers, research designers, and market research agencies. 

Survey PR training

Survey PR training advises you on how to effectively promote or publish the findings of a survey once it has been completed.

Survey PR is an undervalued and important part of the customer buy-in process, particularly applicable when carrying out satisfaction and perception surveys or needs analysis. It is crucial that you share some of your top-line findings and decisions surrounding your insight gathering to show not only that you appreciate the time people have taken to complete the survey in the first place, but that you have listened and taken on board suggestions, preferences and experiences. Carrying out a survey such as a customer satisfaction or customer experience survey can be an opportunity to use the results to boost your business's profile and strengthen your brand.

Surveys can help to establish the authority of your business, generate buzz, and supplement existing material in a marketing campaign. However, ensuring that your survey results are communicated correctly to your audience is essential, as it demonstrates that your business has taken feedback into account and acted on it effectively. This involves a degree of transparency, where any decisions taken as a result of a survey need to be explained. The rationale behind these changes is vital, as it enables a two way conversation between the customer and your business. As a result, future buy-in for surveys will increase, as it has been shown that your business has listened. We help you to work out the optimal way of sharing your survey results with the public, and will work with you to ensure maximum return on investment.

Market Research Training | Mackman Research, Market Research Agency

why mackman research?

As a boutique research agency, our team work closely with organisations to deliver engaging workshops and training programmes aimed at up-skilling their internal employees.

Our small team of research experts combine their years of experience in designing research projects, creating questionnaires and conducting field research to create informative training based on real experience. Together we have a track record of teaching in academic settings and delivering workshops and training programmes to businesses. This unique background allows us to encourage and assist your employees to develop whilst getting the most out of each and every research based interaction.

How we work

As with all of our projects, we like to get close to our clients so that we thoroughly appreciate their research training requirements. In practice this means that we will spend time with you so that we fully understand your existing skill set and need for training and development. This 'kick off' stage is also crucial in gathering information about your organisation or sector so that we can tailor our training programmes accordingly.

At Mackman Research we actively encourage our clients to work with us to establish communication channels throughout all stages of their training. This is particularly important when working with members of your internal team as we may uncover issues relating to personality and capability. In anticipation of such instances, we build regular touch points into our training plans. We will always get in contact if and when needed.

Our enthusiasm for all things research starts with the opportunity to impart our knowledge and love of research onto others. We thoroughly enjoy what we do and our aim is to inspire your employees to want to investigate and explore their research potential. Having got to know the needs of your organisation we carefully plan out a suitable training programme designed to enable your in-house team to deliver valuable insight.

Your research training needs will have very specific requirements and this is reflected in the presentation of our workshops and training programmes.

Gemma Mackman, Market Research Training | Mackman Research, Market Research Agency

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