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Land Rover Monthly

Land Rover in a forest to illustrate Mackman Research's work with Land Rover Monthly

The Research Project

Land Rover Monthly magazine is a publication for Land Rover specialists. Land Rover Monthly holds a yearly weekend, 3 day show for Land Rover owners and families. The show brings together thousands of Land Rovers of every kind, a large array of trade stands, an autojumble, and an arena packed with live action. As well as rare and modified Land Rovers, visitors get the opportunity to drive their vehicles on an off-road course. Mackman Research was commissioned by Land Rover Monthly (LRM) to conduct a piece of research on their behalf. Land Rover Monthly was considering moving their annual Land Rover Show to a new venue and needed to gauge how both traders / exhibitors and visitors would feel about this.

The Research Design & Methodology

Land Rover Monthly did not want any of their customers or acquaintances to be informed of the potential change of venue. All questions merely asked for ratings and opinions of the Land Rover Show at its current site and of other Land Rover shows, in order to compare shows. Two perception surveys were designed in order to gather the required information. Visitors and campers were invited to take part in an online survey, whilst traders and exhibitors were surveyed by telephone. As a thank you for taking part in the visitor survey, LRM offered participants a chance to win a Sealey Top Chest Combination Tool Kit.

Several visitor participants attempted to complete the online survey twice in order to have a greater chance of winning the prize. Duplicates were deleted and only first time responses were included in the survey findings. A small number of trader / exhibitor participants requested that they complete the survey online instead of over the phone, as this was more convenient for them. An online survey and link was set up for these respondents.

Research Outcomes

  • A total of 310 visitors and campers completed the on-line Visitor Survey achieving a confidence level of 95% and a confidence interval of 5.5%.
  • A total of 152 traders and exhibitors took part in the Trade Telephone Survey, achieving a confidence level of 95% and confidence interval of +/-5%.
  • There was a very good response from both traders / exhibitors and visitors to the LRM research and the findings contained many illuminating and helpful comments. It was very important that we focused on the statistical data in order to recognise the survey's outcomes on-mass.

What the client says

LRM successfully made an informed decision to change the location of the three day Land Rover event and had a bumper successive year, with new visitors attending the renamed Land Rover Max! Show.

What Our Clients Say

Meeting of people with notepads at a bench outdoors
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